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International Graduate Student Information

The OISSS web page as important information for new students. All international students should already be familiar with this information.

New International Students

New International Student FAQ

Check in with ISSS

ISSS Orientation

Graduate Student Guide – Includes information on and about campus, Chapel Hill, funding, housing for graduate students, and the transit system.

The Graduate Student Handbook – contains most of the policies and procedures you need to know of and about The Graduate School. This can answer a lot of questions you will have so I encourage you to refer to it often.

Graduate & Professional Student FederationResources for New Graduate Students. Includes information on housing, transportation, finances & funding, and so much more great information

A Note on Foreign Degrees
As part of the transcript submission, degree credentials are also reviewed. Assessment of a foreign degree, including those conferred from institutions participating in the Bologna Accord, is based upon the characteristics of a national system of education, the type of institution attended, its accreditation and the level of studies completed. The following guidelines indicate the level of study expected of international applicants prior to graduate enrollment.

British patterned education bachelor’s degree with honors

French patterned education degree of diplome requiring four years of post baccalauréat study

Germany university Diplom preferred. Applicants with very strong academic records may be considered if they have completed the Staatsexamen, a bachelor’s degree after a 13-year Abitur, or at least one year of full-time study beyond the Vorprfung, Zwischenprfung, Vordiplom, or any other bachelor’s degree

Other European countries: university degree requiring a minimum of four years of study

Canada three year bachelor’s degree from Québec; four-year bachelor’s degree from all other provinces

Latin America university degree requiring a minimum of four years of study

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal bachelor’s degree in engineering or medicine; master’s degree in all other fields

Philippines five year bachelor’s degree or four year bachelor’s degree plus one year of graduate work

Other Asian countries: university degree requiring a minimum of four years of study


Individuals with only 3-year degrees and others who do not meet the educational requirement for graduate admission are welcome to consider other admission options available at UNC admissions.