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Wubin Bai headshot

Wubin Bai

Assistant Professor
Kenan Laboratories A700

Research Interest:
Bioelectronics, Soft Materials, Advanced Manufacturing, Microsystems, Electronic Materials, Photonic Materials, and Biomaterials.

Professional Background

Postdoc, Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University; Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016; B.S., Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2011.

Research Synopsis

The Bai lab focuses on both fundamental and applied study of soft materials and nanomaterials, design assembly and manufacturing approaches to enable hybrid integration of multi-materials towards high-performance electronic and photonic systems, develop new technology that can intelligently immerse electronics and photonics into biological systems, and create advanced tools and devices to address unmet clinical needs and improve human healthcare.

The research at Bai lab covers many length scales, ranging from molecular/supramolecular self-assembly at nanoscale, to 3D organic-inorganic hybrid construction at microscale, and to multisystem integration at mesoscale. We enjoy designing and making devices and tools, and collaborative efforts are essential to our progress.