Diversity Resources
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources and Trainings
Applied Physical Sciences lives in the collaborative space between science and engineering, combining knowledge and discovery with an engineering mindset, team-based science, and entrepreneurship to address real-world problems.
The Department of Applied Physical Sciences believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial to our pursuit of excellence, and is deeply committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community.
Accessibility Resources and Service (ARS) seeks to meet the individual needs of applicants and current students with disabilities and medical conditions as they relate to academics, residences, dining, and co and extra-curricular campus activities. ARS coordinates and implements appropriate reasonable accommodations including academic adjustments and provides appropriate resources and services in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (504).
Allies for Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering Website strives to better the working environment for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in UNC STEM departments. AM_WISE will always take action on behalf of the STEM scientists within the graduate school to 1) advocate for their protection as researchers for the school and 2) empower them as a community to speak up for themselves and to lift up the voices of their peers 3) prepare them to embody this mission in future careers as they become formidable leaders in a world of diversifying science and scientists.
AM_WISE has an extensive list of resources.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion has provided a wealth of anti-racism resources on its website.
The Carolina Latinx Center (CLC) supports UNC-Chapel Hill’s Latinx communities and educates the campus and beyond through engagement, scholarship, cultural awareness, and public service.
Diverse experiences, backgrounds, viewpoints, and contributions are key elements for the success of any enterprise. The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to sustaining a diverse graduate student body and fostering a climate of inclusion and acceptance. We aim to contribute to the successful degree completion of each student through targeted academic and professional development programs.
International Students and Scholar Services (ISSS) provides support for international students, staff, and faculty at UNC.
This site helps students make the transition from military duty to campus life, whether you are a new student who has completed your service, a student who interrupted your education to serve and are now returning, or a student who began your studies elsewhere and are transferring to UNC, we will help guide you to the resources you need to make the most of your Carolina experience.
Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE promotes accessible, equitable, and effective mentoring across the University, with emphasis on supporting women of color and white women in STEM fields.
The American Indian Center is a university-wide public service Center designed to advance the University’s mission of research, education, and service with three primary goals: Leadership in American Indian Scholarship and Research, Engagement with and Service to Native Populations, and Enrichment of Campus Diversity and Dialogue.
The University Office for Diversity and Inclusion has a plethora of resources for ensuring that Carolina is a welcome place for everyone.
UndocuCarolina is a collaboration of the Carolina Latinx Center, LatinxEd, and students, faculty, staff, and community members. Together UndocuCarolina is working to increase visibility, support, and resources for members of the Carolina community living with the effects of undocumentation.
WinSPIRE (Women in Science Promoting Inclusion in Research Experiences) is a paid six-week-long immersive summer mentorship program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that provides cohorts of woman-identifying and nonbinary high school students with hands-on experience in a research laboratory, engaging college-prep workshops, and an extensive support network of women in science.
Carolina’s commitment to supporting diverse populations on campus and beyond is demonstrated by the many trainings offered to faculty, staff and students. The entire campus community is invited to participate in these trainings, which offer insight into how best to support and better understand one another. This page provides a list of UNC campus-wide trainings.
Whether through an online training or a dynamic workshop, EOC offers many programs to help make Carolina an equitable and welcoming place for all. View the variety of trainings offered on this page.
HAVEN (Helping Advocates for Violence Ending Now) Training is a collaboration between the Equal Opportunity & Compliance Office, the Carolina Women’s Center, the Office of the Dean of Students, and Student Wellness. It provides students, faculty, staff and postdoctoral fellows with tools to be an ally to someone who has experienced sexual or interpersonal (relationship) violence or stalking.
Green Zone Training is for faculty and staff that wish to learn more about the military affiliated student experience. Its goals are to train members of the Carolina community to know more about the issues and concerns faced by military affiliated students and to identify individuals who are available to assist this population.
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training that will give staff and faculty the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Just as CPR training helps a layperson without medical training assist an individual following a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid training helps a layperson assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis.
The Standard Safe Zone is a four-hour training is designed to introduce concepts, terminology and resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Safe Zone Gender Identity & Gender Expression is a two-hour training designed to make the University community a safer and more supportive place for all Carolina students, faculty, and staff members by creating a network of allies who have basic knowledge about transgender and intersex communities. Standard Safe Zone training is a prerequisite for this training.
The Campus Safety Commission (CSC) was convened by then Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz in April 2019. The mission is to assess the campus climate and culture around campus safety. The CSC was born out of a concern to address a “crisis of trust” between members of the campus community and the campus police, largely associated with events surrounding protests and events related to the removal of the Confederate Memorial. Commission members include students, staff, faculty, and community members.
Students seeking resources for dealing with stress can visit the Office of the Dean of Students or Counseling and Psychological Services. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the Employee Assistance Program.
SAFE at UNC is the main portal for students, faculty, staff and visitors at UNC to obtain information about prevention and response efforts regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking. SAFE is not an organization or one particular department.
The University Ombuds Office is a safe place where all Carolina staff, faculty, students and administrators are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, problem, or dispute. Our office supplements, but does not replace, the University’s formal channels, such as the grievance policy.