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Undergraduate Coursework in Applied Sciences and Engineering

From big problems like global warming to focused needs in your home or community, engineering is all about solving problems. The Department of Applied Physical Sciences offers courses that make engineering and making concepts accessible to all UNC students. Check out our Minor in Applied Sciences and Engineering to see how you can learn to use technology to make a difference in the world.

Spring 2025 Course Listings

APPL 101- Exploring Engineering

3 Credits

Prerequisites: None

Section 001: T/TH 2:00pm – 3:15pm – Dr. Richard Goldberg

Section 002: T/TH 9:30am – 10:45am – Dr. Alexis Gillmore

APPL 110- Intro to Design & Making: Developing Your Personal Design Potential

3 Credits

Prerequisites: None, but orientation training at one of the BeAM makerspaces is required

Section 002: T/TH 2:00pm – 3:15pm – Dr. Richard Superfine

Section 003: T/TH 12:30pm – 1:45pm – Dr. Alexis Gillmore

Section O1F: T/TH 3:30pm – 4:45pm- Dr. Glenn Walters (First-Year Launch)

APPL 240- Electronics from Sensors to Indicators: Circuits that Interact with the Physical World

4 Credits

Prerequisites: ONE of the following, Phys 105, 115, 117, or 119

Section 001: M/W 2:30pm – 4:25pm – Dr. Richard Goldberg

APPL 260- Materials Science and Engineering: Living in a Material World

4 Credits

Prerequisites: Chem 102 and Phys 116 or 118

Section 001: T/TH 2:00pm – 3:15pm – Dr. Theo Dingemans

APPL 430- Optoelectronics from Materials to Devices

3 Credits

Prerequisites: None

Section 001: T/TH 9:30am – 10:45pm – Dr. Nicolas Pegard

APPL 463- Bioelectronic Materials

3 Credits

Prerequisites: None

Section 001: T/TH 3:30pm – 4:45pm – Dr. Wubin Bai

APPL 467- Materials Design for Biomedicine

3 Credits

Prerequisites: Chem 102

Section 001: T/TH 12:30pm – 1:45pm – Dr. Ronit Freeman